Sunday, April 26, 2015

Next trick....

Image result for army crawl dog

   The next trick I'm going to attempt is the army crawl. First thing I'm going to do is get Sophie to lay down. Next thing I'm going to do is hold the treat in front of her nose and slowly dragging it along the floor. As soon as she crawls I say the command crawl and give her a treat. If she does stand up to get the treat, I quickly remove the treat and start from the beginning. I can't wait to get started! 


   We have mastered the highfive! Whenever I hold my hand out, even with no treat, she highfives my hand. Also, when I have treats out, even if its not for that trick, she puts her hand out even if that's not what we are trying to do. So now I'm going to try to put some time in between tricks cause she is getting confused. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015


  I've decided to teach Sophie dance again. I thought it might go better this time.

  First thing I do is slowly move the treat above her head. While I do that I say dance and slowly move the treat above her head in a circular montion. The only thing she wanted was the treat so she wasn't really paying attention. But, I did get her to spin halfway so she spun in a semicircle. So it was a halfway success. We're almost there!

High Five

   The first attempt didn't work. So I thought I would try something easier. I'm going to try to teach her how to high five.

   First thing I do is tell her to sit. After she sat I gave her a treat. After that I put the treat in front of her slightly out of reach and gently tapped her paw while saying the command high five. She couldn't stay still while I was looking up what I'm supposed to do next. So she sneaked getting a treat from the bag.

    After a while I tried again repeating all the steps.It went really well. After a while she starting high fiving me by just saying the command. It was success!

First Fail

 The first trick I wanted to teach my dog was to dance. So the first thing I did was get out the treats. I used Purina's Beggin Strips.  The second Sophie saw them she started jumping on me. To start the trick I waved the strip above her head in a circular motion, but she kept moving backwards. So I tried again. The second time I did it she started jumping. So I tried one more time. I put the treat above her head, then she started jumping and growling cause she was frustrated with me. As she was jumping she bit me trying to get to the treat. I got a scratch in between my thumb and pointer finger. In conclusion, don't hold the treat too high up.

Monday, April 13, 2015

   Have you ever wanted to find new talents but never had the time? Genius hour is a perfect way of doing that! I've been given the opportunity to find new talents within me, i'm so glad to be given this wonderful project in my English class.

Image result for dog tricks

  I've always wanted to do something with my dog, Sophie. I've always wanted to teach her new skills and help her develop talents. So I've decided to be a dog trainer for this project. I've already found some amazing tricks like dance, salute, and skateboard. I can't wait to get ready and teack my dog some tricks!